
Successful hydraulic-biological in-situ remediation on a former air base

On the site of a former airbase in the Rhine-Main area, contamination of the soil and groundwater/seepage water was detected during exploratory investigations in the area of a former aviation petrol tank and in the outflow of an oil separator. The contamination of the subsoil consisted of aromatic hydrocarbons (BTEX), mineral oil hydrocarbons (MKW), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and volatile halogenated hydrocarbons (LHKW). The MuP [...]

Flood retention basin, Dortmund-Ellinghausen

As part of the ecological reorganisation of the main course of the Emscher, the Emschergenossenschaft is having a flood retention basin (HRB) built in the Dortmund district of Ellinghausen. In future, the "HRB Ellinghausen" is to provide a total retention area with a retention volume of approx. 1.5 million m³ in conjunction with the neighbouring "HRB Mengede". With an excavation area of almost 25 hectares, an excavation volume of [...]

Virtual water - Or: How much water we really consume

The water in our food, clothing and consumer goods On average, a German citizen consumes around 120 litres of drinking water per day. But the production of food and consumer goods also consumes water. If you add this water to our consumption, then a German citizen uses around 5,300 litres of virtual water plus 120 litres of drinking water every day. Did you know that [...]

PFAS - one of the greatest environmental chemical challenges of the 21st century

PFAS - the "eternal chemicals" have recently become the subject of increasing public debate. In a recent study by the German Federal Environment Agency, they were found in the blood of up to a quarter of young people in Germany in worrying concentrations. The PFAS substance group can be detected not only in urban areas, but [...]

Water Footprint - analysing water risks within the supply chain

The carbon footprint is now an issue for all companies. In addition to the regular recording of CO2 emissions, the sustainable use of water as a resource is now increasingly coming into focus. The World Economic Forum has identified water risks as one of the top 5 risks for the economy. Water shortages on the Rhine, for example, lead to high economic risks. Sealing [...]

The right house for every (bird)!

The breeding season is in full swing. Depending on the bird species, different structures are chosen for breeding: The blue tit, for example, looks for a tree cavity, the lapwing for a hollow on the ground and the blackcap builds its nest from grasses and thin branches in the bushes. If species are to be promoted in a targeted manner, attention must be paid to the right nesting aid. The [...]

Application of the Water Framework Directive in practice

With the adoption of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) in 2000, the European Parliament created the central and binding legal basis for modern water policy within the EU. Since 2002, the EC Water Framework Directive (EC WFD) has been implemented through the Water Resources Act (WHG) and supplementary directives for the protection of the groundwater and watercourse compartments via the Groundwater Ordinance (GrwV) [...].

Deadwood in bodies of water

Deadwood fulfils many important functions in watercourses. It serves as a habitat and food source for a variety of organisms and leads to the formation of near-natural structures in and around watercourses. Despite this, deadwood is still being removed from many watercourses. The aim is to maintain the proper flow of the watercourse and prevent damage to structures [...].

New ways - citizen participation

In the 5540 KSQs Lübben North and West project, a gamification approach was used in which interested citizens were able to locate measures on large-format maps of their neighbourhood. The information maps for planning blue-green-grey infrastructure from the Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik gGmbH served as the basis. We have expanded this "game" with our own building blocks in the area of mobility. The playful approach in [...]